๐ŸคฉHow To Mint Pyro NFTs

Access to a 4th Mystery Faucet, Staking Bonuses, NFT Exclusive Airdrops, Entrance To Pyro's Secret Cave, Licensing Rights and Much Much More with Pyro NFTs. Buy Now.

  1. Open the given link

  2. Select โ€œMint Nowโ€ button

3. Within the sub-menu, select your desired number (0-5) NFTs to mint

4. Within the sub-menu, select the โ€œMintโ€ button

5. Visually observe the on-screen prompt that says, โ€œMetamask is not yet connectedโ€

6. Within the on-screen prompt, select the โ€œOKโ€ button

7. Open Metamask, which should have a blue square icon with a โ€œ1โ€ written inside of the square

8. Within Metamask, follow the on-screen prompts to sign the transaction

9. OPTIONAL: Within Metamask, select Activity to verify the Contract Interaction

10. Visit http://opensea.io a. Note: If this is your first visit, you will need to follow the on-screen prompts to connect your Metamask to OpenSea.

11. Select the โ€œwalletโ€ icon

12. Select your OpenSea username, then select โ€œRefresh fundsโ€ within the drop-down menu

13. Visually observe the on-screen prompt that confirms funds have been refreshed

14. Visit โ€œProfileโ€

15.Wait approximately 5 minutes

16.Refresh the page

17. Enjoy your new NFTs!

Last updated